What happens when you make millions of people happy?… You become a star… You earn people’s respect, support and love… And with high expectations, stars are keen to do their best…
Yet in anyway, they are still human… They have a life, a personal life that they sacrificed to feed the hungry crowd with news and updates. And it’s hard to give up that life because it leaves no privacy. With such fact, there are some who use it against them…
This sympathy for stars who gave up their own happiness for the happiness of others is the sympathy I’m feeling for Kangin… He’s not my favorite because he’s a bully; he uses his strength to force others and taking advantage of being a hyung among the members. But that doesn’t mean that I will hate him because from those negative comments that I have, it turns out to be a reason for me to search the goodness in him… At some point, I learn to appreciate him…
His witty remarks, concern for the younger members, his optimistic attitude and the discovery of his vulnerable heart behind his robust outside…
Amidst all incidents and problems he’s facing, people should realize that he is not the only person in the world who did the same mistake… Others even had it worse… He apologized, being accountable for his mistakes… It’s what every public figure must do in terms of trials…
By this I’m petitioning for further support for Kangin…
And for those people who keep on pushing him into darkness, why is it that you only judge his failure and not his success?… Remember that malicious gossips are only made by ignorant people who talks about other people rather than concentrating on things… If you have no reason for loving, then why hate him? Stop misjudging him…
Remember, “A Star in Darkness Shines the Brightest.”
CREDITS: student.nu.ac.th
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